Welcome To The Monkey & The Elephant!
Welcome To The Monkey & The Elephant!
Good Morning America
“A recipe for success: A Philadelphia café employs young adults aging out of the foster care system”
CBS News
“Brewerytown Cafe 'The Monkey & The Elephant' Dedicated To Helping Young Adults Who Are Aging Out Of Foster Care”
Barista Magazine
“The Monkey & the Elephant Café Employs Former Foster Youth”
The Philadelphia Sunday
“Kamal Marell makes a safe space for foster youth at The Monkey & The Elephant”
Philadelphia Voice
“Philly coffee shops blend mural art, coffee”
The Philadelphia Inquirer
“What a boss: Brewerytown cafe owner helps former foster kids build skills, find jobs, and create a supportive community”
The Philadelphia Citizen
“Philly Coffee Shops that Do Good”
Visit Philly