Welcome To The Monkey & The Elephant!
Welcome To The Monkey & The Elephant!
Youth in foster care have little autonomy to make decisions over their lives, and are not often given instruction or support to make the transition out of the foster care system. Upon leaving the system, they immediately lose access to the services that supported and sustained them.
Through our employment training program, we support young adults who have histories in the foster care system. As a supportive space to learn and grow, we provide paid work experience with intentional training and coaching. Our goal is to help under-resourced young adults acquire the confidence and skills they need to transition into healthy adulthood with thriving careers.
Here’s How!
Together and guided by mentors, program employees earn income, receive intentional coaching, and are provided with a supportive space to learn and grow before they transition to educational or other job opportunities.
The Barista Development Program is a three month intensive workforce development opportunity that combines paid social-emotionally centered professional training, mentorship and case management, technical barista training and paid employment as a retail Barista.
Programming is customized based on the needs and skills of each participant, allowing them choice, control, predictability and self-determination as they move through the program.
Phase One consists of 3-4 weekly shifts at the cafe, personal and professional development workshops, and individual check-ins with the Program Manager.
This Program allows promising and interested young people who have finished Phase One to obtain training in retail management, with the goal of moving into a Shift Leader position at the cafe
Phase 2 supports participant completion of the ServSafe certification
Participants in the Shift Leader in Training Program gain experience in training participants in the Barista Development Program on key aspects of cafe floor operations
When eventually implemented, our Internship Program will address the need for more professional exposure to different work sites and experiences within the coffee and cafe industries specifically and, more broadly, within retail operations from supply to product sales and delivery. M&E’s Internship Program will allow participants to gain experience at different coffee shops and professions in the coffee industry, such as coffee roasting. The program will create a pipeline for learning and sustainability, providing additional exposure, experience and skills for our participants.

The Foundation of Our Curriculum
Five Areas of Professional Development
A person’s belief that their intelligence and skill level can change and grow, and that they have the innate ability to accomplish their goals.
Written, verbal and non-verbal with a focus on customer service, public speaking, conflict resolution/management, code switching, and relationship building.
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
The capacity to identify and define problems, use knowledge and information to generate possible solutions and effectively manage time to complete tasks.
Skills that contribute to reliability, communication, time management, self-motivation/initiative, leadership, emotional management and productivity.
The ability to support teammates, resolve conflict, solve problems together and complete tasks more effectively with a focus on relational communication and listening skills.
What Success Looks Like:
With our program, our alumni have gone on to...
• Provide housing and employment support to people experiencing homelessness
• Hold leadership roles in other cafe businesses
• Pursue vocational certificates while maintaining employment to cover living expenses
• Be hired full-time in supervisory positions with The Monkey & The Elephant

“M&E has impacted my life emotionally, mentally and financially. A year ago I had just found out I would be delivering my first child in nine months. I was struggling with housing, life goals, consistency and commitment. Being a part of M&E’s transitional employment program has allowed me to organize my thoughts, emotions, and budget.”
- Yaz, M&E Program Employee
“Being at M&E has impacted me in so many ways...I am better able to communicate with others, especially about how I’m feeling, challenges I am facing and what support I need. M&E has exposed me to new tools and mindsets that help in my day-to-day.”
- Ruby, M&E Program Employee
Get Involved!
M&E builds a sense of community and belonging while supplementing short-term employment with longer-term personal and professional development. Every dollar spent in our coffee shop directly supports our program.
If you’re interested in learning more about our Employment Training Program, email Shelli@themonkeyandtheelephant.org or use the form here.